MFL - French

"To foster pupils’ curiosity and love of learning languages and discover and understand new  cultures globally, whilst enriching their command of English and value their home languages."


The intention of the Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) curriculum at Chestnuts Primary School, is that  children are taught to develop an interest in leaning other languages in a way that is fun and  exciting. We encourage children’s confidence and curiosity about different languages. The MFL  planning is carried out in order to create links with the cultural differences of other countries,  including our children’s home countries, allowing them to explore links between their own languages  and those taught. We strive to embed the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing necessary  to enable children to use and apply other languages in a variety of contexts and lay the foundations  for future language learning. We follow the National Curriculum for MFL.


Children are encouraged and supported to develop their speaking and listening skills through  conversational work, singing and games. As confidence and skills grow, children record their work  through pictures, captions, sentences and then paragraphs – using learnt conjunctions to extend  their pieces of writing. 

  • Displays are used to remind children of vocabulary 
  • Actions and pictures are used when being taught phonics to help them with punctuation of  words 
  • In the classroom, wherever possible, instructions are given in French, common phrases such as  ‘Qu’est que c’est ?’ (What is it?) Whilst pointing to an object allow the children to both listen  and respond in French, gaining confidence as they do so. 

Our MFL curriculum is designed to progressively develop children’s skills in languages through weekly  taught lessons. Children progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary  organised around topics. We follow the ‘LanguageNut’ scheme of work to ensure coverage and  progression across the school. The children are also invited to learn Spanish in Reception and Year  one, where the language is taught alongside learning about the geography and culture of Spain. 

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