Information about the school

Our School
Chestnuts Primary was formed in September 2004 following the amalgamation of separate infant and junior schools. We offer places to 420 boys and girls.  We have 14 classrooms, an art room, music room, a garden and cooking room, swimming pool, fabulously resourced Library and a wide range of ICT equipment for use throughout the school.   

Take a look at our Who's Who to find out about all the wonderful staff we have in our school. 

We are very lucky to have a swimming pool onsite and we employ a full time swimming teacher, who teaches swimming once a week to every class in Reception to Year 3. 

Start of the Day
School starts at 8.45am. Children make their own way to their classroom for the soft start to the day. The register is taken at 8:55am. Children arriving after this time are considered late. 

End of the Day
School finishes at 3.15pm for Infants and 3.20pm for Juniors; in both Infant and Junior buildings, the teacher and learning support assistant escort the children out into the playgrounds where they are collected by their parents. (Reception pupils are dismissed directly from their classrooms into their outside play area as before)

Time in school: 37 hours 40 minutes a week

Over the last few years we have been working really hard with parents to improve the attendance and punctuality of children at Chestnuts. We expect children to be in school on time every day. We totally understand that children become ill and if this is the case, please call the school office as early as possible to let us know. 

School Uniform
Please see our uniform policy, which has been recently reviewed, on the policy page. Our uniform consists of a white polo shirt, bottle green jumper and grey/black/brown trousers or skirts. We ask that children wear sensible shoes that are fastened to their feet for safety and no jewellery. For more information see our uniform policy  

At Chestnuts we have our own swimming pool and all our children from Reception to Yr 2 swim. We have chosen to put swimming as part of our PE curriculum and as such employ a qualified swimming instructor.  Your child will require a swimming costume, towel and swimming cap. Physical Education (PE) is a key part of the curriculum and children must take part in all lessons. For PE and games lessons your child will need; a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and plimsolls. For outdoor games they can wear tracksuit trousers and sweater with trainers.

We passionately believe in healthy body, healthy mind and all children take part in daily exercise, mindfulness or meditation. 

NOTE:  PE, Games and swimming are curriculum activities and such are compulsory, your child will need a medical note to be exempted. 

How to pay fees 
There are a few different things we may ask you to pay for; School Meals (Juniors only), After School Club or Breakfast Club.  All the fees in school are managed by our School Business Manager. If you call the school a member of staff in the office will be able to tell you how much you owe. You can also pay us in many different ways; directly into our bank account (get our bank details from our School Business Manager), online Parent Pay or child care vouchers.  If you are unsure about are fees or payment systems please contact our finance office on the following email address: [email protected]. Please note we are a cash free school.