Our blogs
PSA Virtual Meeting over Zoom Nov 4th 7:30pm, by Mrs PSA
Virtually Chestival, by Mrs PSA
Update from the Governors - Spring 2019, by Mr Merritt
Winter Fair 1st December, by Mrs PSA
The Great Fire of London, by Miss Banuik
PSA Newsletter 1, by Mrs PSA
Meeting Minutes - 19th September 2018, by Mrs PSA
Malala Class Homework Showcase - Jasmine, by Mrs Potter
Malala Class Homework Showcase - Khai'ree, by Mrs Potter
Malala Class Homework Showcase - Jibreel, by Mrs Potter
Chestival 2018!, by Mrs PSA
PSA MINUTES 25th April 2018, by Mrs PSA
Yearbook Club , by Miss Banuik
Update from the Governors (Spring Term 2018), by Mr Merritt
Chess!!!, by Mr England
Practice Practice Practice! , by Miss Schellingerhoud
Staying safe online by Niamh, Julia and Sadia , by Miss Donaghy
Volcanoes!, by Miss Banuik
Meeting Minutes - 9th January 2018, by Mrs PSA
Volcano Eruptions!, by Mr England
Anti- Bullying workshop by Sam , by Miss Donaghy
Crazy Cricket by Mia-Mary , by Miss Donaghy
MESSY PAINTING!, by Mr England
Why you should get into school dinners, by Joshua Davenport-Hardy , by Miss Donaghy