Meeting Minutes - 19th September 2018

Date: 6th Oct 2018 @ 9:03pm



19th September 2018




Ellie Livingstone (Chair of meeting)

Jen Flavell

Clare Beasley

Becky Hatch

Sonya Ruparel

Michelle Knott

Jacki Davenport

Angeline Conaghan

Becky Rykalski (Notetaker)

Ms Barrett (Staff Representative)

Sarah McPhee




Marika Gauci

Helen Waters

Aly Slorach


Welcome and Introductions


  1. Welcome and introductions.  Welcomed new parent Michelle.  Ms Barrett, reception class teacher, was also welcomed.  It is very helpful to have staff members attend.




  1. Discussion of positions.  We need a new Chair of PSA. Marika is standing down as Chair.  Discussed that it is early in the year to find a new Chair.  Discussed that it works well with two or more people co-chairing.  Legal requirement to have a named Chair because we are a registered charity but the workload is shared amongst the members.   We also have lots of systems and spreadsheets in place.   Hope to encourage some new parents to get involved as it is a very rewarding role.


  1. Discussed the position of treasurer.  Michelle who has experience from her previous school, the NCT and is an accountant offered to takeover the role as Sarah was hoping to stand down having done it for 5 years.  Sarah will do the winter fair and Michelle will take over from January.  Thank you very much to Sarah who has done such a great job.


Funding Applications


  1. Discussion of funding applications.  Over the summer we had a request to fund a new sink in the art room.  Discussed funding the sink but felt that plumbing costs should be met by the school.


  1. Ms Barrett raised the fact that the staff may be unclear about what sort of thing staff can ask for.  Discussed that the funding was meant to be for extras that could not be provided by the school and also needed to benefit a wide range of children. Previous funds have been used for school trips, the Lost Lending Library, reading areas and carpets for classrooms that don’t have them.  


  1.  There was a discussion about how to apply.  There is a funding form.  Agreed that Ms Barrett would look into providing an electronic copy of the form that can be easily accessed by staff.  Will also accept paper applications left in PSA tray in the office.  Confirmed that every class gets £100 to spend per term.  Most classes have used towards school trips.






Past and Future Projects


  1. Issue of the acoustics in the school halls was raised.  It is very difficult to hear in school assemblies and concerts.  It was noted that North Harringay school have undertaken work.  Agreed that Clare would make enquiries about what they have done and costing.


  1. Discussion about solar panels.  A few years ago the PSA contributed to a school project to install solar panels on the school roof.  There was agreement that the PSA would receive 25% of the income received.  Nothing has been received for some time and it transpires that the solar panels are not currently working.  It was noted that this was unfortunate given the good weather in the summer.  This is being looked into and we will have an update at the next meeting.


  1. Angeline told the meeting that a bid has been made to the Government Equalities Office for a whole school project on Women’s Suffrage.


Welcome Drinks


  1. The Salisbury has been booked for new parent and carers welcome drinks on 27th September. Becky H agreed to try and produce a flyer for YR bookbags.  Will try and publicise wildly.  Agreed that would spend up to £100 on bar snacks if necessary.


Fundraising autumn term


  1. We have had an offer to host a Halloween event from Sarah and Keiron.  They are proposing a Day of the Dead event with a screening of Coco.  Keiron is a musician so their idea is to have live music with the children joining in.  Everyone agreed this sounded like a great idea.  We had pencilled in the 2nd November for a Halloween disco but it was agreed to do this instead.  Sarah and Keiron can’t do the 2nd so it was agreed to do it on Thursday 1st instead. 


  1. Ms Barrett made the point that we will need to sort the logistics soon especially if we are going to require assistance from staff/want to use their classrooms.  Need to establish times.


  1. There has been a previous suggestion of a curry and a quiz night at Indika organised by some of the dads.  This hasn’t happened.  Agreed Sarah to chase up.


  1. Art week is 17th December.  It was agreed it would be nice to do something that tied in with this.  Possibly an exhibition.


  1. Winter Fair.  1st December. There is a planning meeting on 9th November.  Discussed sponsorship.  Previously we have been fortunate to have generous sponsorship from Brickworks.  Agreed that Jen would enquire whether they are prepared to sponsor. 


  1. Agreed we need to start asking about raffle prizes.


  1. Sonya asked if she could run the parent present room. Agreed.


  1. Discussed we may need some assistance with the grotto as we may no longer have the wooden sleigh and the decorations made by Tanja.  Agreed that we would enquire whether Tanja and Becca Friedrich can help at all.  Need to see if any parents/carers have the skills to make a new sleigh.


  1. Discussed whether to continue with Bake-off.  Agreed that there had been lower participation in recent times.  Agreed that we would keep the bake-off but try and publicise more widely, perhaps have a theme and more prizes/categories. 


  1. Jacki raised question of external stalls as her daughter is hoping to have one.


  1. In light of the amount of help we need and planning required it was agreed that 9th November was too late to have the first planning meeting.  Agreed that we would have a planning meeting before half term on the 16th October (after parents evening) to plan.     Prior to that meeting Clare would prepare a draft newsletter which would contain info about all the help needed.  Outstanding matters will be agreed and then the newsletter will be finalised at the meeting and sent out before half term.


Treasurers Report


  1.  The PSA financial year runs from February – February.  Sarah provided the accounts.  The total income since February 18 is £9,312.88.  The total expenditure since Feb 18 is £10,721.94.   The PSA currently has £9,346.06 in the bank.


  1. Some potential outstanding funds owing were discussed including year 6 t-shirts £367.25 and year 3 trip funding £240.  Sarah to confirm and pay any outstanding amounts.


  1. It was noted that Ms Quinn had previously made an application for maths resources but has only used part of the budget allocated.  Agreed that Becky R would speak to Ms Quinn to confirm if she required further funds.




  1. Becky H drew our attention to the possibility of applying for funding from the ward budgets.  Discussed the possibility of applying for funds for some kind of community garden project.


  1. Jen encouraged people to shop through Easy Fundraising which is not being widely used and Sarah also raised the possibility of parents and carers applying for matched funding from their employers.


  1.  Ms Barrett highlighted that the PSA currently has a lot of equipment in the Log Cabin and that now term has started it is likely that this space will be needed for the children.