After School Club

Chestnuts After School Club    ASC contact number 07535463725

Here at Chestnuts we run our own registered child care provision offering wrap around child care for school aged children from 7.45am until either 4:30pm or 6.00pm (Pickup time to be decided on booking). If you want to make changes to your pickup time or have any update for the ASC staff, pleae email the direct ASC address which is: [email protected] or [email protected]. All of our 'Extended Services' provisions at Chestnuts are registered with Ofsted and as such we also accept child care vouchers as payment.  If you need help in sorting out the finances for our child care provision then please don't hesitate to come and talk to our School Business Manager.  (Ofsted Registration Number:  EY348142 for child care vouchers) 


After School club is just one important element of our child care provision.  The club enables parents/carers have outstanding, affordable childcare at the end of the school day. The club is staffed by our own school staff so the children already know them well from working with them in school. We employ a Club Manager and five qualified Play Leaders to organise and supervise all activities.   The club operates from our school site which means a smooth transition from the end of the school day.  Places MUST be pre-booked as we are not always in a position to accept casual admissions due to pressure on numbers.   The children will be provided with  a healthy snack plus participate in indoor and outdoor activities.  They will be encouraged to read, play board games, make models, enjoy organised outdoor sports or do homework and just socialise with friends.  

The emphasis of After School Club is on providing a nurturing, friendly and happy end to the day with a balance between active, sporty exercise and more focused creative activities, indoor games and homework. Children are very much involved in planning and choosing their activities with the team staff.  We do not allow children who are late being collected from school into ASC as all places have to be pre-booked. 

If you are interested in applying for a place in After School club details and fee structures are available from the school office - please book online using our Magic booking system: .  After School club is extremely popular with a limit of 80 places per day.  Places are limited, which means we encourage parents to sign up well in advance of needing the place. 



Session Time  Price
Session 1 3.15 - 4.30  £8
Session 2 (with food) 4.30 - 6.00 £9
Session 1 & 2 (with food) 3.15 - 6.00 £17


Year 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6

Session Time  Price
Session 1 3.15 - 4.30  £7
Session 2 (with food) 4.30 - 6.00 £8
Session 1 & 2 (with food) 3.15 - 6.00 £15

How do I book?

Advanced bookings only through our School Office/Magic Booking.  Please e-mail  [email protected] or [email protected]

.  Alternatively call 07535 463 725 or email for more information.