Meeting Minutes - 9th January 2018

Date: 8th Feb 2018 @ 2:02pm

PSA MINUTES - 9th JAN 2018


Present at the meeting: Alex, Alyson, Jacki D, Ellie and Jen.

Apologies: Sarah, Clare, Becky.


Winter Fair

The feed back for the Winter Fair was positive. The layout worked well with the feeling of more space. We had been very lucky with the weather so lots of children had gone and played in the playground.

We made £3500 which was a record, about £400 more than last year.  Even better, it was all profit because we got £750 sponsorship from Brickworks and £250 from Jonker Electricians.

There was also positive feed back for the Lantern parade as an exciting event to be happening from the school. Jacki mentioned that next year it would be good to have a clear list of events happening through the Fair and as she was on the door she would have liked to inform families as they arrived.


New Maths resources. Singapore Maths. £3500.

Rebecca Quinn, the Chestnuts Maths lead teacher has put in a bid for vital Math resources. Members at the meeting were concerned that £3500 is a lot of money for a bid they know little about and although all members voted yes to the bid they would like Rebecca Quin to come to the next meeting and explain a little bit more about what the money would be used on.


Teachers have been busy booking their class trips but have not been writing bids to inform the PSA. We voted unanimously for teachers to go to the Headteacher to approve school trips and she can let us know so that our Treasurer can organise the funds.


Valentine Disco:  We want to organise a Valentine Disco for the 8th of Feb, just before Half term. The meeting mentioned that Christmas had felt a little sad without the Christmas Disco so having a Valentines one would be appreciated.

As there were a few difficulties with running a bar and keeping the children in the Infant Hall at the Halloween Disco, this time the PSA will organise and create the event and the teachers will be on hand to man the event.


Jen is sadly standing down from being a Chair of the PSA, and the other Chairs are going to be leaving at the end of the school year. We will need to put out a request for new PSA chairs in the newsletter and hopefully parents will come along at the AGM in February.

There still is no date for an International evening and the members of the meeting would much like it to continue. Maybe in September.

The Barn Dance was an enormous success and the PSA should start looking into organising this again.